The products you use on your skin outside of the treatment room are SO important! Think of it like this: you want to get healthier so you start going to the gym and lifting weights. Outside of the gym, you know that eating nutritionally beneficial foods and drinking water will help you achieve your health goals. When it comes to your skincare, getting a facial is like going to the gym. It’s a great benefit, but facial treatments alone cannot truly clear your skin. You need a solid home care routine (eating nutritionally beneficial foods and drinking water) to help achieve your goals.
To see changes in the skin, I highly recommend regular facial treatments. Once you’re happy with your skin, monthly treatments will help to maintain your skin. If monthly facials aren’t an option for you, I still recommend coming in as frequently as you can! A few times per year is better than none at all.
Unfortunately, no. While a one-time facial is great for relaxing, to see change within the skin, regular treatments and a solid home care plan created for you by a professional are key.
I am currently working with Lira Clinical, Glymed, Face Reality, and Hale and Hush. I love to offer my clients a multitude of lines so we can truly customize your regimen to you!
I highly recommend avoiding skincare advice from unlicensed professionals, even if they seem to know about skin. This advice does not take into account all of the people with different skin types and conditions that they are marketing to. What works for them may not work for you. In fact, there is a lot of information from influencers that can directly harm the skin. I highly recommend talking to your licensed esthetician before trying any new products or skincare “hacks” on yourself.
I have been a licensed esthetician since 2019!